Monday, December 17, 2007

The more the merrier part 2

Part 2
Welcome back! I left off at changes in the last entry, but I’ll start on something slightly different this time.

When you truly love someone, you would want nothing lesser than the best for them. And maybe not taking the bait and falling into the trap of the devil is the best thing that you can do for them. While the short term reward may be sweet, pleasurable, but think about the long term consequences. Should you contract any disease, say, HIV, and unwittingly pass it to your loved one, can you live with the guilt? Can you live knowing the person whom you love so deeply hates you to your bones

I know I will be living a life worse than death, with the pain that HIV brings being the cherry on the cake. (a very rotten cake) what about you? Would you ever want to live a life like that? A life filled with pain and regret? Regretting having bestowed upon someone else so much pain because of your moment of folly.

Do not be that person. Think before you act. And remember, the more may not be the merrier.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The more the merrier?

As promised, we are back with our entries. Keep those comments coming in!

The more the merrier? Think again..

The more the merrier. I believe many, or all of us, have used this phase before, on many different occasions. For example,, money, friends, Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci wallets… (ok, you get the drift). But can this phrase be applied to everything? I don’t think so. One thing is definite, it cannot be applied to relationships. Especially when more than emotions are involved. (I believe you get what I am trying to drive at.)

We’ve all heard the stories of this faithful girlfriend (or boyfriend) mysteriously contracting a sexually transmitted disease when they have remained faithful to their partners. So how did that happen? Yes, I heard you. Somebody’s been unfaithful. Think about it, is your moment of lust worth the risk that you are putting yourself and your partner in?

The answer is no.

We cannot deny the fact that most of us are selfish. How many of us will actually spare a thought for others when temptations lay before us, waiting to be taken? I admit, I probably would not spare much thought. ( not till the damage has been done that is) however, it is high time that we change this behaviour.

Why? I’ll let you in on it when you read the entry. For now, just know the only thing that is constant in life is changes. And there are changes that are waiting for you to be made.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

stompAIDS! 30th Nov!

for the rest of the photos, please visit here!

We made it happened. And we thank you for your presence for stomping AIDS with us. Without all of you, this event is almost impossible. Remember us always, because there is always a lesson to learn. This blog will continue to serve you with information that you needed. If you ever need us, just leave an comment, anonymous or not, we are here for you!

Thank you once again for making this possible!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Say yes to peer pressure? Part 2.

I’m back, when I ended off my last entry, I promised to talk about something that is close to our hearts, so here goes…

It is important to put yourself first. We have seen too many cases of girls who give in to their boyfriend’s request to have sex because they are so afraid that they will leave if they don’t.

Have you heard about what happens after the guy gets their way? If we live in fairy tale land, everyone will live happily ever after, but we live in a real world. And the real world is cruel, many of them bail out after they have succeeded in their conquests. (guys, I hear your protests, and I am sorry for the stereotype, I know not all of you are like that)

We have also heard of people who have sex with others just so that they don’t get ostracized. But let me ask you something. Is it worth it?

I know fitting in is of utmost importance to most of us, but keep this in mind. Do not ever agree to do something that requires you to compromise your beliefs, or anything that you are unprepared for. Trust me, you are way out of the league for those who have been trying to poison you.

There’s something I believe in. they won’t have a saying if there is no truth in it.

There’s this saying, say no to peer pressure.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Say yes to peer pressure?

Say yes to peer pressure? I don’t think so…

Say no to peer pressure. That sounds familiar doesn’t it? I think I’ve heard that phrase in a no-smoking campaign sometime back. But let’s face it, how many times have we agreed to a friend’s request just because you do not know how to say no?

When someone is important to you, you will want to keep that person as happy as you possibly can, even if it means you have to go the extra mile. But before you agree to do something for someone else, think about what is in it for you. I am not telling you to be mercenary and expect rewards. What I am talking about here is looking after your own welfare. Would you have to survive on plain bread for the next month just because you want to buy that Christian Dior wallet which everyone else in class owns?

Everyone has felt pressured into doing something before. Here is my two cents worth, do not do something just because everyone else is doing it. Embrace yourself,, do not do things that you are not willing to do.

Just because all your friends are talking about their sex life doesn’t mean you have to give in to your boyfriend’s relentless requests to sleep with him.

I will end off here, but I will be talking about something that is close to our hearts in the next entry so do anticipate the next entry.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Watch us.

Watch us. This is real, and we are real. Spread the words of prevention but stop AIDS.

Lets fight AIDS together.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

TNP 21st Nov 2007 : Proposing new law.

Singapore is considering changes to its HIV laws. One proposal: Before you have
sex, tell your partner if you've been naughty. If you dont, and your partner
gets infected, you face a jail term of up to 10 years or a fine of up to

For the rest of the article, please read it at the TNP 21st Nov 2007, Pg 6.

Currently this law is enforced. But how well can it control the HIV statistics? Does IT keep you from leading the promiscuous life? Will it decrease the HIV rates? Will you and I get lesser risks?

What do you think?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Promiscuous you (Part 3)

I bet you are thinking what is it that we all know but refuse to acknowledge. Here it is.
A HIV patient does not have HIV written on his forehead. They might now show the signs and symptoms and they do not go around screaming that they have HIV. They look like any of us before the symptoms show. Many times, they are unaware that they have contracted it.

I know, I can already hear the protests in my head screaming: “ hey, have you ever heard of something such as a condom and that it is 99.9% safe if you use it correctly?” True, it may provide 99.9% protection, but are you willing to throw in your bet with that 0.1%?

For me, I would rather have chicken rice for life than to risk having to take a whole bunch of medication for the rest of it. Whether or not the chicken rice is contaminated is another issue altogether and we will leave it to another day to discuss.

To end off, I would like to ask one last question,
what is your take on one night stands?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Promiscuous you (Part 2)

I thank you for coming back to read this entry. Continuing from where I last left off…

Please allow me to use an analogy. No one would like to have chicken rice for life right?

However, there are risks of getting food poisoning if you keep changing your food as you would never know what goes down well. There is a certain someone I know who led a promiscuous lifestyle. To her, it is a lifestyle that is filled with thrills. She feels like a risk-taker for she never knows who or what was around the corner. True, you will never really know what awaits you round the bend. But for the promiscuous, have you ever stopped and think about what COULD be waiting for you?

It could be the cutest guy you have ever met. It could also be your worst nightmare. Yes, it may be thrilling, but have u ever wondered, even for that split second, what you really awaits you? Has it ever occurred to you that it could be something horrible? Like HIV?

If someone were to ask me that a few months ago, I would tell them, with conviction, it would never happen to me. But is it really like that? Deep down, all of us know that this isn’t the case. HIV does not choose its victims like how we choose our victims to pick on in class. (I must emphasize that this is merely an example and I am not a bully.)

With that, I shall sign off. But in the last part of Promiscuous you, I shall reveal something that we all know about, but refuse to acknowledge?

Want to know what that is? Stay here!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Promiscuous you (Part 1)

Sorry Nelly, I ain’t no promiscuous girl

Promiscuous: adj;

1) having many sexual partners
2) of many sorts mixed together in a disorderly manner
3) not choosing carefully

Promiscuous. Truth be told, this is a word that has never existed in my vocabulary till Nelly Furtado came along and made ‘Promiscuous Girl’ a major hit. Then I started to question why people choose to lead a promiscuous lifestyle and how it feels like.

I believe that there are many others out there who hold the same doubts as I do about the lifestyle of the promiscuous.

This is a sensitive topic so I ought to tread carefully.

Let’s look at it this way. Sex/carnal desires are a need. Something which all humans desire. It is also a way of life. It is the sole reason why humans aren’t an endangered/ extinct species. (though technology is advanced, I do not think that cloning is a way to keep the human specie alive.) therefore, we cannot say that people who indulge in sexual activities are wrong, right? Maybe. No one said they were wrong. (I am not propagating the promiscuous lifestyle)

Let’s have a paradigm shift, many of us insist that sex is an act driven by love, passion and the desire to bring the emotional connection to the next level. They are right. It’s all about the mindset.

I shall end off here. To keep you interested, I will be talking continuing with this topic with something slightly controversial. So please do stay tune for the next entry.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Make a decision

Heads you win, tails you die?

Life is a gamble. We all know it. The adrenaline rush that runs through your body when you are waiting to see if the card in your hand is the winning card. We also love to challenge fate and see if we can cheat death. To take that jump off a cliff while hanging on a rope and pray that death dislikes you enough to not want you by his side this very moment.

However, there are certain gambles in life that are just not worth taking. Gambles that are a matter of life and death. While you might think that I am talking about extreme sports, I am actually referring to something vastly different. An extreme sport is an acquired taste, and many of us can do without it. I am talking about something that runs in the blood of all human. A need and desire that all humans have. (please brace yourself)

Sexual satiation.

While seeking sexual gratification isn’t wrong, it is extremely important that you keep
yourself safe. It is important to shield up. Many of us think that as long as you are not seeking your pleasures from that cute girl/guy whom you met at the club for the first time in your life, it’s ok not to shield up. But how true is that? Even if the person is person is that wonderful guy/girl whom you’ve dated for the past 2 years, can you be assured that she has been faithful?

To all you guys out there, I know you are probably weighing the importance of pleasure VS safety. But is there a need to do so? Is the answer not obvious enough? (at this point, I must admit that I am not a guy, but I do have many guy friends who kiss and tell. My apologies to those who have trusted me enough to spill under my interrogation)

I will stop here, definitely with a slight tinge of guilt, but I will not feel that way if all of you out there heed my advice and keep safe!

Part 2

Welcome again! Have you been keeping safe?

I cannot emphasize enough on how important it is to take safety precautions. You will never
know who has HIV and who don’t. You might not even know if you have it or not. How many people have regular HIV tests? Would you want to take a gamble, knowing that you win nothing more than pleasure but stand to lose everything, including your life? I know I don’t. (but what I think isn’t he point here)

The point is, there are so many things in life than we have not seen, heard of or experienced. And we have a whole lifetime to find out for ourselves what the world is like beyond the shores of Singapore. So why ruin it? It is true, that contacting HIV is not the end. But it does put an end to many things.

And it is also the beginning of a nightmare. ( I don’t think anyone will oppose this statement.)

You choose the path you take in life.

Choose not to put a limit to the things that you can achieve.
Choose to love life.
Choose to love yourself.

Choose not to take this foolish gamble. Choose to shield up.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Love me? Love me not?

Love me? Love me not?

If you have been in a relationship before, or if you know someone who has been in relationship, then I am referring to you.

There are many factors that are involved in a relationship. More often than not, there are more than just emotions involved. Money, time, intimacy.

However, there are many other things that you would not want to bring into your relationship. For example, dishonesty, cheating, HIV. You might find it a surprise how HIV can be among this list.

But not just in a relationship, contracting HIV is a risk that we will be in for as long as we indulge in physical intimacy with your partner. (unless both of you strictly adhere to the ABCs of safe guarding yourself. A being Abstinence, B stands for being faithful and C referring to condoms. )

Sure, you’ve made a promise to yourself that you will not get physically involved till you get married. Is your stand strong enough to resist the temptations of the forbidden fruit? Is his love strong enough to respect your stand and not challenge your limits?

It is imperative that you are fully prepared before you take this very important step. Ask yourself this, do you really want this or are you doing it because he/she has threatened to leave? An advice which I’ve always held dear in my heart, if that someone really loves me, then they will not coerce me into doing anything that will hurt me- Physically or emotionally.

Always weigh the pros and cons, if HIV is among the cons, you might want to pause and give it a second thought.

Remember, you can only have more than one relationship, but you can only have one life.

Live it, don’t lose it.

Tell us how do you feel.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Updated Nov 05' 07


* Haloscan comments up. No sign up needed for commentors, just post as much as you can!
* Tagboard up for our readers to interact!

Topic discussions would be up hopefully by Wednesday and this blog would be blasted all over Sg!

Happy schooling!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hello world!

I have finally mastered patience building this simple and sophisticated but effective (i hope so) blog. This blog will be served as our journal towards 30th Nov. Of course we are going to hit the traffic and psyche up this blog and spread around the safety of using ABCs. ABCs of what? You guess. Next up we would be discussing controversial topics and we hope all of you would actively participate in our discussion and also please spread the word about this blog!

Our goal is to hit the counter of more than 1500 unique visitors! Please help us to reach this goal as it would be the best testament to our project StompAIDS!

Ok, peace out.